Manufacturing Execution System

Manufacturing Execution Systems, commonly referred to as MES are structures designed to track the manufacturing process from raw material to finished goods.

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In manufacturing, profit is reliant on how efficiently the shop-floor or plant floor is performing

Squeezing everything from your resources without compromising on quality is a challenge often faced by manufacturers.

Increasingly, manufacturers of all sizes and complexity are implementing a Manufacturing Execution System, also known as an MES system, as a reliable and affordable way of improving their productivity and profitability whilst delivering first rate products on time to their customers’ system.

You can improve your productivity

Our MES software as a service (SaaS) offering makes streamlining your processes simple and even more affordable compared to a more traditional MES system.

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MES is key to successful implementation of manufacturing operations and improved production efficiency

The Intouch MES Software gives users accurate, real-time data that allows for the right questions to be asked at the right time.

This enables well-informed and timely continuous improvement manufacturing operational decisions to be made which result in significant improvements in OEE and profitability. The visibility it provides also motivates production staff to keep machines operational.

Our MES system is made up of multiple modules, including production monitoring, production planning, and scheduling, production reporting and analytics, and the shop floor control system.

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Connect and monitors machines and work centres on your factory floor

Running a factory is complex – full of machines of varying ages, many processes, materials, labour, factory conditions, last minute orders and unexpected downtime.

Knowing what is going on in your factory and how you can make operations run more efficiently and more profitably has historically been difficult as managers relied on inaccurate and time-consuming manually compiled paper records to make decisions – often well after the chance of being able to make any effective changes or rectify any problems.

With the Intouch system, knowing what is happening and looking at existing processes and finding ways of making these more efficient and cost-effective is easy and ultimately leads to a more profitable business.

The mechanism that collects accurate data and standardises current systems allows for proactive continuous improvement decisions to be made before they become costly and problematic.

The Intouch real-time scheduling, monitoring and reporting system gives manufacturers the visibility and control to easily make continuous improvement decisions; allowing you to improve OEE and increase productivity, reduce errors and improve quality whilst reducing lead times, energy and labour.

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3 easy steps to be up and running with our MES System

1. Place your order

We will despatch the hardware to you.

2. Specify

Send us your spec and we will build your system.

3. Switch on

Wire up your machines and you are ready to start monitoring, and saving money.

Revolutionary cloud technology is responsible for the huge leaps in advancement we are experiencing today. The Intouch i4 Cloud MES software allows our customers to capitalise on the best technology available quickly and inexpensively.

The Intouch subscription-based Cloud system is easy to get up and running and provides the most common functionality of our conventional system without the more substantial initial cost.

It can be accessed immediately via the internet and easily scaled according to your requirements. Support, updates and backups are managed by Intouch, leaving you to concentrate on your core manufacturing business.

Ready to increase your productivity?

We would love to hear from you. Call, email or use the contact form and we’ll get right back to you.


Intouch Monitoring Ltd
The Bull Pens, Tithe Farm
Moulton Road, Holcot

USA Office

5600 N River Road
Suite 800
IL 60018