December 2023 Update
New Features and Functionality
- Ability to save all user preferences between logins
- Ability to set machine priority which then displays on a mimic
- Ability to call for help which then displays the call code on a mimic
- Changes to the machine height or machine filters on the Shift Profile are now saved. There are also new menu options to reset these.
- The column filters on the MESi Export are now saved, so if the report selection criteria (machines or dates) are changed, the filters are not reset.
- Updated Energy OEE report to include additional calculations for “Energy consumed whilst running” and “Average power consumption whilst running” for reported period
- Various API changes:
- Job GUID is now also returned for updated jobs
- Improved response for the “Start this Job” API call
- New API call for the Current Job MESi fields
- URLs can now be used with the Document Viewing module
- New mimic fields for the worst planned or unplanned downtime codes
- New mimic fields for Parts, Cycles, Weight, Pallets and Boxes by seconds, minutes and hours
- New mimic fields for the cost of good parts (material cost x good parts) and the cost of scrap parts (material cost x scrap parts)
- New mimic fields for the box quantity
- Scrap weight mimic field can now report the weight for a specific scrap code
- The “Log Operator” events are now displayed in the Event Viewer if the Operator Log in/ Log out feature is enabled
- The selection criteria pane is now greyed out if the Cycle Profile Export window is open
- Visual improvements to the Cycle Profile when displayed on a 4k screen
- The Tool Code has been added to the Material Requirements Gantt Report
Various fixes & minor updates, including
- Fix to issue on the “All Machines” option on the machine picker on the Gantt reports
- Further fixes to screen refresh which wasn’t occurring if the browser was sleeping over a shift change
- Fix to issue which was causing an incorrect machine status to be displayed for running fast/ slow
- Fix to Order Balance column which was blank on the Schedule Export
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