July 2022 Update
intouch i4 -
New Features and Functionality
- Ability to combine multiple jobs into a composite job when starting a standard job
- Ability to choose the relevant part(s) when entering scrap for a composite job on the shift profile
- Ability to start the next job immediately when suspending the current job
- New mimic field for Current Job Lateness, which displays the time the job is late by
- Ability to flag a scrap code to exclude it from quality % and OEE calculations
- Ability to exclude set up time for a job if nominated fields on the previous job are for the same
- Setup time field is now displayed as hh:mm:ss and setup time can be entered in hh:mm:ss when creating or editing a job
- Improvements to the functionality of the schedule export table (Ability to resize columns and rows and for that layout to be saved automatically)
- Ability to have a maximum limit for booking good parts manually
- Implementation of PIN control on changing the stop or scrap codes or adding comments via the shift profile, if PIN control is configured on those buttons
- Addition of a horizontal scroll bar on the Planner screen
- Ability to configure the file extension (CSV etc) for production data export files
Enhancements to the data included in the shift profile export. This now includes:
- Tool Code
- Standard Cycle Time
- Order Number
- Part Code
- Long Description
- Due Date
- Order Quantity
- Impressions
Changes to the descriptions on the Event Viewer to reduce ambiguity:
- “Good Parts” is now displayed as “Manually Booked Parts”
- “Signal” is now displayed as “Raw Signal Count”
Various fixes & minor updates, including
- Fix to job import on the Windows Client and browser where the job due date / time created was incorrect due to daylight saving time
- Fix to remove the dependency arrows when the associated job with dependencies is deleted from the schedule
Shift Profile:
- Fix to issue on shift profile pop-up window where it would occasionally display the wrong stop code
- Fix to issue causing alarm periods to appear incorrectly for not-worked shifts
- Fix to issue on Last Stop Code button on the shift profile pop-up window whichw as preventing it from working
Gantt Reports:
- Fix to remove duplicate rows on the capacity report
Fixes on the machine picker pop-up window:
- Change to remove the Unscheduled Machine
- Fix to remove spurious workgroups
Other Fixes:
- Fix to prevent a scrap reversal quantity being entered which is greater than the quality being scrapped
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