June 2023 Update
New Features and Functionality
- New functionality to choose an option when suspending a job:
- Send to the end of the schedule on existing machine (current behaviour)
- Send to the unscheduled machine
- Leave where it is on the schedule
- Move behind the next job on the schedule
- Please contact i4support@intouchmonitoring.com if you would like this enabled
- New Completed Job Report is now available as a BETA version and being tested by a small number of customers
- New feature to enable Intouch to be embedded within another website (e.g. Customer’s own Sharepoint site)
- Additional system setting to prevent the tool code being updated on existing jobs when the job import program runs
- Decimal values can now be used on the setup time in the job import program
- Text1 to Text5 fields have been extended to 255 characters in the job and part imports
- MESi exports now include the number of cycles and the average cycle time
- The“Work to List” Gantt report now includes the run time remaining for the job, and the elapsed time remaining which takes into account not-worked shifts
- Various enhancements to the schedule:
- Option to disable the ability to edit the job in the table area of the schedule
- The zoom level / scale set in the Gantt is now retained when navigating away from and back to the schedule screen
- Change to retain the width of the timeline in the Gantt, even if the machine heights have been amended in the schedule screen
- If one job in a composite job will not end before the due date, the entire job is displayed in red
Various fixes & minor updates, including
- The MESi Export report and Schedule Export now format all dates as date fields
- Fix to MESi Rejects report to correctly display any scrap entered on a historic job via the Shift Profile
- Fix to the Last 24 hours and Last 30 days Energy Graphs, to display the total energy used kWh and Total Cost £ correctly
- Fix to the Cycle Profile screen, to correctly display all cycle data for the period selected
- Fix to job search window on the schedule screen
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