June 2021 Update


What's New?

  • The i4 client no longer prompts the user to update to a new version
  • Ability to scrap by weight rather than parts
  • Ability to import dependencies from standard job import
  • Ability to password protect job operations on the i4 client
  • Visual improvements within the browser client
  • Ability for users to set their own password within the browser client


Improvements within the browser client

  • Intouch logo size reduced on XTX7 devices
  • Visual and functionality improvements for importing jobs / parts into Intouch including a file preview window
  • Default job due date to a future date, so that newly created jobs are green

Improvements within the i4 client

  • Default job due date to a future date, so that newly created jobs are green
  • User preferences are now saved when the user logs off and on again

Bug fixes

  • Fix to MESi Reject report so that total line is visible
  • Fix to MESi Parts report to correct blank part descriptions
  • Stop time no longer resets when a machine is in set up mode

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