September 2024 Update
New Features and Functionality
- New Single Sign-On option which allows users to log onto Intouch with an email address associated with a Microsoft account
- New look job entry and job edit form
- New look infobox popup which appears by left clicking on Gantt report and MESi Export fields. The infobox can also be moved around the screen via left clicking on the blue bar and dragging
- New functionality to enable operators to be automatically logged off machines at the end of the shift
- Enhancements to the way changes to shift patterns are handled in Intouch
- General speed improvements to reporting
- The Enter key can now be used in the Job Entry/Edit form to submit data, and the Esc key can be used to exit the Job Entry/Edit form
- Enhancements to User creation in the Intouch Admin Centre, to ensure that the new email/username is unique before saving
- New checkbox in the Intouch Admin Centre to hide inactive tools on the “Tools” page
Various fixes & minor updates, including
- Change to the MESi Export screen to ensure it closes fully when the Event Viewer is opened
- Change to the Event Viewer to ensure it does not close if the navigator pane is expanded
- Prevention of duplicate fields appearing in the Job Entry/ Edit form
- Change for daylight savings which could cause the Gantt on the schedule to freeze
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